mainframes and other stuff

William Donzelli wdonzelli at
Sat Nov 22 09:28:40 CST 2014

> It might seem like that, but the scrappers are probably getting in 40 or 50'
> trailers full of stuff, so they don't have time to admire anything that can
> just be handled like any other bulk scrap.  He is probably paying dearly for
> the space he operates in, so every 4 x 5' space he wasted storing something
> so we can do the old soft shoe and low ball him is a lot of space he can't
> store crap to sort, to get the trailers empty for the next.

This is by no means universally true. There are a lot of scrappers
(probably more those with fingers into the surplus business) that have
quite a lot of space with very low overhead. These are the guys that
can store things. Sometimes I even see stuff hanging around for years
- not because they are holding onto it for huge money, but simply
because if gets pushed to the back as a new load comes in.


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