Interesting note. Back in the 80's a company called Northern Telecom used
2900 ALU chips to run the SL-1 PBX. It was very popular in hospitals and
large firms where down time was bad.
It had redundant memory and processor cards for failover. And battery
backup to stay up during a power failure. Certain alarms caused the switch
to dial a reporting center and send the alarm.
Programs were stored on a 3M cartridge tape (6150?) where diagnostic
programs ran off hours and communication was accomplished via a 300 baud
dialup modem and a local hard copy terminal (usually like a DEC LA36).
Call detail records were stored on a 9 track tape.
On Fri, Oct 6, 2023, 8:33 AM Geert Rolf via cctalk <cctalk(a)>
I could be remembering incorrectly but I think
the Gould PN6080 mini we
had exclusively for third year
comp sci at Macquarie Uni in the mid/late 80s was
32-bit made up of
AMD2900 family logic (2901 ALU's).
Find attached two pages of the CPU drawings of a Concept 32/67 and
PowerNode 6000. Here the AMD 2901s show up. You remembered correctly!
Geert Rolf
owner of a PowerNode 6040 -- see