During my college years, I took a very interesting 68000 course/lab where the
lecture-instructor used Lance Levinthal's "68000 Assembly Language
Programming" book. While it wasn't a required text, I bought a used copy and it
was most helpful in understanding the internals of the processor. Our lab textbook was by
Antonakos, I believe - unless I am thinking of the 68HC11 course/lab that I took. Too many
years ago to keep it all straight!
Best of luck and may God bless,
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris via cctalk <cctalk(a)classiccmp.org>
Sent: Thursday, 26 January, 2023 14:25
To: cctalk(a)classiccmp.org
Cc: skogkatt007(a)yahoo.com
Subject: [cctalk] 68k textbooks
I have a few scanned somewhere. I always kimd of liked Douglas Halls Microprocessors and
Interfacing: Programming and Hardware for 80x86. It's a large format textbook. There
is a 68000 version which I don't have. Curious what textbooks other can recommend.
As I said I scanned at least 2, maybe 3 some time ago. The Antonakos book seemed to stand