On 1/23/24 02:13, ED SHARPE via cctalk wrote:
FASTBACK bak up ptogrsm...Help how to recover files
stored in this backup format,?
Back when the museum was next to computer exchange Inc. Pre '94. We put out a
journal once a year Over 100 pages tightly leaded would like to access files and reprint.
Would need Pagemaker 3 orveoukd data files be upward compatible with indesign by adob?
Thanks Ed Sharpe archivist for SMECC MUSEUM PROJECT Glendale AZ
Sent from AOL on Android
What version of Fastback? There were two major variations.
Initially, Fastback had its own floppy drivers and format. The simplest
way to restore from that is to get an XT- or AT-speed system (the
program uses programmed delay loops so a fast CPU won't do the job) and
the original program (I think I still have it).
A subsequent version (Fastback II) used standard BIOS formatting and was
more straightforward.
Is something wrong with your system? I can barely read the message for
all the typos.