On 7/11/2022 12:38 AM, Dennis Boone via cctalk wrote:
The process of migrating the cctalk and cctech mailing lists to a new
host in Chicago is underway. This evening, I've moved the list mail
handling to the new server, and this message will be the first live
test. Assuming this works, you shouldn't have to change anything to
post to the list.
One other positive note is that the migration seems to have
cleared my old email address from the list. I had contacted Jay because the list manager
said the address didn't exist when I sent the command to stop and it also said it did
exist when I sent the command to add it. Jay looked but couldn't resolve it either.
But I noticed the emails finally stopped coming around July 10th.
The new hosting is provided by the Chicago Classic
Computing group.
Many thanks to Jay West for hosting the lists for 20 years!
/Dennis Boone
So thank you Dennis! I'm sure it probably cleared out some
others caught in limbo as well.
Many thanks to Jay as well for his service to the community.
John H. Reinhardt