The DEC H7441 regulator is a relatively complex circuit using 2 x 555
timers, 2 x LM301 op-amps, 2 x transformers and 2 inductors
I am struggling to understand how it is meant to work and was hoping to
find a maintenance manual for it.
Could anyone with such a manual please help?
Alternatively is there another explanation of the operation of this or
similar types of circuits?
The circuit implements a switch mode supply.
One of the two 555 timers operates as an oscillator, the second I think
operates as a monoflop with the pulse length controlled via one of the
Overall the circuit seems very complex and while I understand parts of it,
other parts are mysterious.
In particular the top left section around Q1/Q2/Q3 and T1/T2 and E3 is most
I did not find anything remotely similar in "The Art of Electronics" from
Horowitz & Winfield.
The H7441 schematics are available from here:…
Thanks for any help or suggested reading material.