On 1/21/23 13:33, Chris via cctalk wrote:
Sorry, I don't understand this comment at all.
C: Jim Brain's comment or my question about converting a 1.44MB Gotek to 720kb?
Interesting. I never got that one.
But I can say that I couldn't do that with the originals when I got
them several years ago. Might have been some jumper combination to
do it but there didn't seem to be any documentation about it. I put
the ones I had on the shelf where they sat for years. Later I got a
couple of black ones, I don't think they were GOTEKs. They not only
turned out to be just as useless but worse still, they use a different
processor and there is no one making third party firmware for them.
Good thing all of these only cost about $20 a pop. No big loss.