On 2025Jan 13,, at 7:02 AM, Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM) via cctalk
<cctalk(a)classiccmp.org> wrote:
Mike Parr via cctalk writes:
Hello all.
Here is a link to something I wrote - brief intro to Algol 68's background, a
nd how to run it on Windows - with a toy IDE as well.
This triggers a fuzzy memory of an Algol 68 compiler running on
MTS at the U of Alberta, circa 1980. ISTR Chris Thompson at UofA
Computing Services had a hand in its development.
Was this just a UofA thing? Did it escape to other MTS installations?
Did anyone use it to write substantial programs on MTS? Or was it
intended for Comp. Sci. teaching purposes?
Are you recalling specifically Algol68 or could it be AlgolW?
I used AlgolW on MTS at UBC in ’78 as a CS undergrad.
Still have the textbook “FANGET AN - an algolw primer”, and my greenbar listings
(but threw out the box of batch cards some years go, lol).
I rather liked algol, the course work moved to Pascal the next year, and felt like a
Then I met curly-brace languages and no longer had much patience for begin-end.
In upgrading Algol60, Algol W and ’68 were apparently alternatives/competitors.