I had a problem like this on a VT52, and the problem turned out to be
one the power supplies (the -12v one) had died. Wired in a 7812 (or
whatever it is for - voltage) and the monitor came back.
May want to look inside and see if a supply rail is dead.
On 11/6/2022 4:44 PM, Cameron Kaiser via cctalk wrote:
Got the Peanuts out today for a shakedown. They work
well, or at least they did
until about 5 minutes into playing Kings Quest when the h-sync on the monitor
suddenly went out. Colours show and match what should be on screen but the
horizontal display is scrambled. It does it on both Peanuts, so I think
something in the display blew.
Anyone recognize this issue? Seems like it should be a straightforward fix; I
can't imagine this monitor is particularly complex internally.