Since it's and ESP32 you have, you might look into the screen routines in
"FabGL is mainly a Graphics Library for ESP32. It implements several display drivers
(for direct VGA output and for I2C and SPI LCD drivers).
FabGL can also get input from a PS/2 Keyboard and a Mouse. ULP core handles PS/2 ports
communications, leaving main CPU cores free to perform other tasks.
FabGL also implements: an Audio Engine, a Graphical User Interface (GUI), a Game Engine
and an ANSI/VT Terminal.
This library works with ESP32 revision 1 and upper."
The VT132 emulator board from TheHighNibble uses the FabGL package for it's VT
emulator. It works very well.
John H. Reinhardt
On 12/5/2024 4:43 PM, Mike Katz via cctalk wrote:
I am looking for a C library that implements a crude
windowing system on a VT-100 or compatible terminal via the serial port. I've seen
such things before but not recently.
I will be running this on bare metal (no operating system). Preferably the package would
use the regional scrolling capabilities of the VT-100 for faster screen updates.
I might be able to get Txwindows to work but I am looking for something a bit simpler?
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you....