Attached are two bash scripts (tested on Raspberry Pi OS) for serial
run each script with sudo ./<scriptname>.
If an existing os8diskserver directory is present it will be renamed and
a new copy installed.
getos8diskserver -- installs all of the necessary files to build the
os8diskserver and the os8diskserver source itself.
makeos8diskserver -- builds os8diskserver, installs a local copy of simh
and builds a serial disk bootable image as well as several other rk05
images and creates a script to start os8serial disk
with the default RK05 images.
Feel free to fold, spindle and mutilate this.
Please let me know if you find any bugs, have any suggestions or make
any generic modifications.
I'm hoping to get this into the os8diskserver github as soon as I get a
chance to create a pull request
Note: This is also being cross posted to the VCF DEC forum. Please
post this to any other forums or mailing lists you feel are appropriate.