I believe in the late 70's or early 80's Byte magazine did an April
Fool's issue that had many of those instructions but other than Halt and
Catch Fire I think the best one was:
EXOP Execute Operator (Use of this instruction has been deprecated
due to shrinking programmer pool)
/The fact that that is a double entendre just makes it even better than
any of the others that I have seen./
A few others I liked:
HALTI Halt Intermittently
SPEOT Seek Past End of Tape (Common DECTAPE problem)
A few other related things I have seen:
"On a clear disk you can seek forever"
"Dark Emitting Diode"
"Stop this RIM RAM or I will DEC you"
And a couple of acronyms:
*M*aybe *I* *C*an *R*ip *O*ff *S*ome *O*ther *F*ailed *T*echnology
*W*hy *I*nvest *N*eedless *D*ollars *O*n *W*orking *S*oftware
On 12/10/2024 5:59 PM, Donald Whittemore via cctalk wrote: