Starting to go through my boxes of POS stuff. I know of course that 3.2
is out there (minus the Pro/Communications option which has a bad disk
in the distro) however are these disks out there now?
Pro/Venix 1.0 on floppies
POS V2.0a on floppies
POS version 1.5 (with test diskette, maintenance application, a thing
called Pro/Pre labelled "Diskette system", system overview and
instruction disks)
POS V1.7 (I have that here somewhere)
Pro/Basic Version 1.0 and 1.2
SPSS/X For Professional (this is a really interesting one, anyone heard
of this?)
If so let me know and I won't copy them. If not I'll go over to the
mighty Deskpro/XE and start sucking the data off for archives....
(Hoping to find old drivers or scaffolding or something that will give
me a hint into how DEC ported POS)