I was about to ask if anyone ever built a "Parallel Modem" - but I searched
around first, and lo and behold, Microcom did ! (v.fast / v.34 era, c.
The drivers refer to Win3.1/Win95 era (I'm not seeing where they had DOS
But I'm still not sure if I'm understanding the product (which I found
described here
Microcom Parallel Port Modem <https://strom.com/pubwork/cw294.html>
From a programming perspective, you just set your parallel bits and mash
the STROBE pin, right? Then figure some reasonable delay between
iterations of doing that. You don't need starts/stop or parity bits. So
I get how that is more efficient (but question is, why wasn't it built
sooner? I think it's a long answer when you look at the historical build up
of modems, and that serial-port based modems were "fast enough" at the time)
So.. If you had a slow system that couldn't really take advantage of a
~7MHz 16550 serial card (or I guess like a laptop that was stuck with an
older UART) That might be the use-case where this parallel v.fast might
help (by being able to "feed the modem" fast enough to actually take
advantage of the faster modem speed?) Or is there some other scenario
NOTE, in the articled linked above, it does mention that it is only "value
added" if you have this parallel-modem on both sides of the connection.
(this is because you'll be flow controlled to whatever is the slower device
in the connection?)
Related but different question:
Is there any "natural rate" (Hz) of a modem? Meaning is 1200/2400
baud-equivalent modem an accelerated-by-enhanced-encoding version of 300
bps? and 9600 likewise an accelerated-by-encoding version of 2400? is
300bps itself some kind of special accelerated-by-encoding? I see 1200
baud was also still sub 3KHz (did any modem protocol go above 3KHz?).
Or maybe I need to ask it this way: did 300 baud modems use a more 1:1
translation of the data-word bits into Hz signal over the modem (giving a
more "natural" translation rate?) But then beyond that speed, does a modem
need to "cache" a few bytes and determine some encoding scheme to then give
modems an apparent speed boost? (is that "kind-of" like USB's 8B/10B?
(not in implementation, but in the general concept that a different
encoding can result in improved data throughput, without actual faster
movement of that data?)
I guess it gets into the "secret sauce" approaches of how vendors figured
out these encoding approaches (v.32bis, etc), and give their product
competitive advantages (but only if you could convince enough ISPs to adopt
your protocol, by buying your modem device).
My daughter made me finally watch Blackberry recently, it's an interesting
telling of that story (of a small business selling their tech to USR, and
also that they tackled a version of encryption)