On 2025-03-13 12:24 p.m., Martin Bishop via cctalk wrote:
One FPGA will easily do a VLIW sequencer + scalar
mills (one or more, memory / MAC assemblies) or a simple processor
When it works.
I see lots low cost Chinese FPGA cards, so that is valid option.
Something like
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005779045608.html provides a wholly adequate platform
for a microcoded processor, with lots of 3v3 IO for external logic analysis inputs
They goofed on that, 3 volt transistor logic is negative. :)
I really wonder what is used in a Industrial Setting now days, HTL logic
is long gone.
A simple processor is 24 bits or less for me.
One can ind lots of emulation but very little real hardware in a fpga.
From when you could get a FPGA with 5 volt I/O and sane packaging
and easy to use floor planning.
What may be a valid option with a FPGA, is to design a
computer with programmable microcode into block ram.
Then you could have PDP XYZ, IBM 360, A ALGOL machine,ect.