I guess not many have survived but I want to ask if
someone/some place has
software (papertapes, ...) for the Texas Instruments 960 minicomputers.
If any survive, please be sure to keep me at least ten feet away from them :-)
The 960B is the only computer I ever walked away from and said "I can't do
this". This was mostly, but not entirely, due to the Silent 700 and its cassette
It took 20 minutes to load the loader, and, then, if I got that right, 20 minutes to load
the editor, and *then* I could start doing work.
As long as "work" was not "hit tab".
Because then the editor would crash, and you were back to the beginning.
Even in my younger and smarter days my error rate was more than one every 45 minutes.
I had to BS my way through the coursework that required that machine.