I obtained a bunch of MB (1?) cards from a fellow list member. Mostly Intel, 1 Matrox
video card. Didn'y see a floppy controller anywhere, but I'll have to look closer.
I have an Intel 286/20 chassis (the 20 doesn't mean mhz). Got to get me a keyboard and
I'll be all set, right? O how I wish. There's an MDS keyboard on ebay, kind of
pricey. Have to wonder where I'd stick the plug. No ribald suggestions please.
So apparently my future has taken a turn for the very grim. As I'll be writing device
drivers from this point until my death. Yep. It's all rawhide and buffalo chips from
here on out. Maybe sum yu westerners can give me a hand. Fred, Chuck, Sellam. You're
all westerners and cowboys apparently. Just rustle up some docs and software for me.