Best AI was Edgar in the movie Electric Dreams. Created by accidentally
spilling wine into the keyboard - Edgar spent its idle time figuring out
what shape of puzzles would help make earthquake proof buildings, while
flirting (musically) with the girl next door. In the end, Edgar
transcended into cyberspace.
I agree with most of the others here: we're doing advanced expert systems,
trained and tuned to do specific things. No general purpose intelligence.
I'd be ok calling it "augmented intelligence" as those expert systems
help assist in things. Or HIP: Hyper Information Processing - much faster
ways to process and present multiple dimensions of data, that can help make
decisions, but aren't inherently intelligent.
On Tue, Jan 21, 2025 at 5:28 PM Fred Cisin via cctalk <cctalk(a)>
On Tue, 21 Jan 2025, David Wade via cctalk wrote:
My doctor didn't believe me when I said that
of course I was heavier
when she
weighed me in basement clinic, rather than the
first floor(usa)/ground
At least take your shoes off to reduce the weight.
But, hold them in your hand, so that they don't get misplaced.