On 1/06/24 14:20, Liam Proven via cctalk wrote:
That one? Lawrence is on this list and posts occasionally. He's real:
I've met him. He was kind enough to give me some boxed copies of OS/2.
Yes, I can confirm that I am real.
Incidentally, I found some of the documents from the time, including
templates I made to sort out the room layout.
The templates have a basic version, and one that includes the doors and
logic 'gates' which swing out for servicing.
2030 is the CPU with the 1051/1052 typewriter, 2841 is the Storage
Control (Disk Controller, if you like.)
The small things are the three 2311 disk drives and the disk pack rack.
Room layout:
Lawrence Wilkinson lawrence at ljw.me.uk
The IBM 360/30 pagehttp://www.ljw.me.uk/ibm360