On Mon, 2024-12-23 at 18:21 -0500, Rod Bartlett via cctalk wrote:
One site I used to service (USGS in Reston, VA) had a
split computer
room. The left side was for IBM gear while the right side held a
Honeywell Multics machine
Stuart Feldman, formerly of Bell Labs where he claimed credit for Make
and the first (and slowest) FORTRAN 77 compiler, told me that Unix was
developed by some MIT students who thought Multics was too big and too
complicated, so they wanted to develop a small single-user system. They
called it Unix.
Now Unix (and Linux) are far bigger and more complicated than Multics.
I don't remember which of the Unix gurus said "Version 7 was an
improvement on all of its successors," but I think maybe Multics was an
improvement on all of its successors.
Has anybody gotten Multics to work on Intel?