Itron/Itronix Husky FS/2 handheld computer
Handheld, using 3 AA batteries
8 x 40 display 240 x 64 pixel
(if you think that text on your phone is too easy to read, or got hooked
on Gavilan 8 line display)
FS/2 had an "4M RAM, 8086, and MS-DOS 3.30" according to first link
(considering the non-IBM display format, probably 3.31, contrary to the "3.30"
mentioned on the first page, and the second link also says 8MHz NEC V25+
and 1-2M RAM)
MS-DOS 2.11 and 3.31 could be configured for 8x40 display, 2.10 and 3.30
would require modifications, not just configuration.
Chuck could elaborate on the 2.11 and 3.31 "OEM versions" of MS-DOS that
were intended for non-PC configurations.
Optional 12 pin RS232 "round connector"
(FS/3 had 386EX, and MS-DOS 6.22! and a "type 2" "PC Card" internal