On 9/3/23 13:28, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote:
I like OSHPark, US based and pretty quick, decent
pricing. Low enough I haven't felt compelled to look for cheaper alternatives. One
nice feature is that they take KiCAD board files directly, no need to generate the low
level Gerber files. One oddity is their purple (or black) solder mask, but one gets used
to it. 2 or 4 layers and some other variations.
PCVWay will give you purple (or several other colors) for an extra charge.
I think there's a link on the KiCAD PCB layout menu send your design to
PCBWay--or at least there was; I haven't checked lately.
At one time, I thought that OSHPark (and I've used them) did all of
their production domestically, but someone told me that it's not
true--they send out their work to China, just like everyone else.