You may of course choose to DIY but there have been
several common and
cheaply-available-used solutions presented to you. The default behavior
of most terminal servers (single port or otherwise) is, "connect your
terminal, hit RETURN a few times, Telnet/rlogin/SSH/whatever to
whatever host you desire."
Hi Jonathan,
Can you expand on this? I am not sure how this is supposed to work out. So in my scenario
I have a dumb terminal connected to one of the suggested devices. On the other side I have
the out of band serial port controller for my RAID connected to a terminal server like the
Avocent. The Avocent is presenting the RAID controller as a telnet session. Now how is
hitting REIURN a few times on my dumb terminal going to bring up a telnet session much
less a telnet session to the host I am interested in? Thanks.