Ebay seller tvsat_electronic in Poland currently listsĀ some TMS9981JDL.
Don't know about the A variant, but they do stock a lot of even more
obscure TI uPs. . Folks I know have had good results purchasing from
them. Also ISTR rkn704 in the UK might have had some reasonable as well,
maybe still does.
On 1/22/25 18:16, John Robertson via cctalk wrote:
> Hi Folks!
> Anyone have one or more of the old TI CPUs? The usual suspects don't
> stock it (Unicorn, Abra, Jameco...). I have a customers game board in
> where the CPU was backwards and previously destroyed...
> In case anyone is curious the game was from Japan - Universal's COSMIC
> This is NOT the TMS9918A - video chip - that some folks are trying to
> emulate with Raspberry Pi(e)s.
> Thanks!
> John :-#)#