On Sat, 26 Aug 2023 14:27:05 +0200 (CEST)
Christian Corti via cctalk <cctalk(a)classiccmp.org> wrote:
I guess not many have survived but I want to ask if
place has software (papertapes, ...) for the Texas Instruments 960
minicomputers. We have a 960B but at the moment, it is pretty much
useless. I could toggle in a small program, but would appreciate
something like FORTRAN or an assembler.
Whoever got that Applicon out of Indiana on Ebay a couple of years ago
might have the paper tapes with 960B software that were with it. There
were 2 960Bsin that lot; I'm thinking they were the CAM to the Applicon
CAD. They had DS44 (Diablo 44) drives with them as well. No idea
whether they were in working condition, but that whole lot was in a
mess, and no idea what software might have been on them. Never did find
out who got that whole lot. Hopefully it wasn't all scrapped.
Trying to ascertain whether there is any software in the TI archive at
SMU. Someone who's been there twice doesn't think so, but I've asked
him to keep an eye out when he goes again soon.