> Note that some disk types are CLV, not CAV (e.g.
some Mac disks), and
> reading them without additional hardware support may be problematic.
On Thu, 3 Nov 2022, Grant Taylor via cctalk wrote:
Is Constant Linear vs Angular Velocity (?) anything I
need to worry about
when sticking within the IBM PC compatible line from say '90 forward?
PC [compatible] was fixed rotational speed of 300 or 360 RPM.
Well, Weltec? made a 180 RPM drive, to be able to use 1.2M on 5150/5160,
and there are many other bizarre oddities.
CLV, or "zone" recording, with vaarying motor speed CAN be worked around
with a constant motor speed, by varying the data transfer rate, . . .
but NO PC [compatible] machines used variable speed floppies, other than
300RPM and 360RPM.