Latest addition: A bondi-blue iMac

js at js at
Fri Jul 1 11:29:11 CDT 2016

On 7/1/2016 9:00 AM, Ethan Dicks wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 9:09 PM, Terry Stewart<terry at>  wrote:
>> Some would say this is not vintage, classic or collectible (and so
>> shouldn't be discussed here).  However, these are all subjected terms which
>> can be (and are!) argued about at length.

Wouldn't have guessed to discuss an iMac 
here, but rather than picking & choosing 
certain computer models as being 
appropriate to discuss here or not, 
wouldn't it just be easier (and fairer) 
to define a certain number of years past 
which it *is* appropriate?    Or has 
this already been stipulated?

By way of comparison, in my state 
(Maryland), any car over 20 years is 
considered "historic" as long as it's 
pretty much a stock vehicle, or "street 
rod" for cars over 25 that have been 
substantially modified.    Most cars 
I've seen with historic plates obviously 
qualify for the rank, but some are 
pretty laughable -- old junkers clearly 
just tagged as such to avoid inspection 

- J.

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