Recent purchase of NIC-80 computer.

Paul Koning paulkoning at
Thu May 12 12:15:28 CDT 2022

> On May 12, 2022, at 1:03 PM, dwight via cctalk <cctalk at> wrote:
> Hi All
> There was a Nicolet computer purchased recently on ebay:
> Looking at the buyers history, it looks like it was purchased by a collector.
> Bob Rosenbloom and I are wondering if anyone know who might have purchased it and if they are expecting to restore it to operational status?
> These are an interesting computer being that it is a 20 bit word. It was also designed specifically to do FFT's with specialized instructions like bit reversing and hardware multiply and divide.

That may simply be a quite ordinary DSP processor.  Hardware multiply and in particular single cycle mul + add are typical DSP operations because you need them for FIR filters, one of the most common applications of a DSP.  And of course bit reverse for FFT, which has the nice property of being very easy in hardware.


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