Need 8mm or DLT-II tape?

Van Snyder van.snyder at
Tue Feb 8 20:25:04 CST 2022

I have many 8mm tapes. A few are new. First comers get new ones.

I have a few 8mm cleaning cassettes

I have about a dozen DLT-II tapes.

I have a Quantum DLT-II drive with wide SCSI LVD/SE interface

I have some Ultrium LTO fibre-channel SCSI drives that were removed
from a tape-mounting robot several years ago. I never used them in my
computers. The mounting bracket for one was modified to have an
internal power supply -- which might be inadequate.  I have one LTO

I have a 5.25" floppy drive.

Yours for the price of shipping, or local pickup OK.

Van Snyder
van.snyder at
La Crescenta, CA

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