Slashed letter O, unslashed letter zero

Toby Thain toby at
Wed Apr 27 14:41:30 CDT 2022

On 2022-04-27 2:54 p.m., ben via cctalk wrote:
>  >
>  > Cut and paste.  Consider the S/360 Assembler (F) manual:
>  >
>  > 
>  >
>  > Look at PDF page 10.   Note the box at the bottom of the page and how
>  > it's not even perfectly horizontal at the borders.  In fact, it looks to
>  > be hand-drawn.  I suspect that things were put together the old
>  > way--with scissors and rubber cement.
> I was reading this one. Can't tell if hand drawn or not.

All the diagrams apart from the ASCII art are hand-drawn (e.g. pages 14, 
19) - i.e. technical pens, rulers, T-squares, drawing board. With some 
paste-up for the Futura typesetting. And probably reduced from a larger 
drawing, by process camera to bromide at the correct size for these 
pages, and then pasted down as a 'mechanical' (as described by Paul).

As it happens I've recently been scanning some documents from this S/360 
documentation series...


> Ben.

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