RCA COSMAC MS2000 MicroDisk Development System

geneb geneb at deltasoft.com
Fri Apr 8 10:02:04 CDT 2022

On Thu, 7 Apr 2022, Bill Degnan wrote:

> This one is from 1975 just before the Altair 8800
> https://www.vintagecomputer.net/rca/COSMAC/EDN_COSMAC_Microkit.jpg
Ah, ok.  Thanks for the pic!

> ...but I bet yours is more like 1976-77.  What is the CPU type 1802 or
> something else?
It's an 1802.  It's got some serial port boards, RAM, a disk controller 
and the CPU board in there.  I've also got the dual 8" drive and terminal 
that go with it.


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