Anyone Have the H9642 Enclosure Maintenance Manual EK-187AA-MG

Antonio Carlini a.carlini at
Sun Sep 5 11:00:23 CDT 2021

On 04/09/2021 14:26, Rob Jarratt via cctalk wrote:
> I have looked on Manx and on Bitsavers and I don't see it there.

Do you need the H9642 specifically or is it just the embedded MicroVAX  
3600 that you want to know about? If so then EK-189AA-MG-001 will 
possibly do. It's really for the BA213 but does mention the H9644.

Except that's not quite what you want, I misremembered the number. The 
appendix does list the manual you want, so I presume it must be 
mentioned somewhere, just I didn't see it.

There are a bunch of enclosure manuals on Tim Shoppa's site: (they've 
presumably moved at some point as Manx currently points to the wrong place).


Antonio Carlini
antonio at

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