Interesting photos of a computer graphics lab from 1968

Paul Koning paulkoning at
Thu Jun 24 12:58:30 CDT 2021

> On Jun 24, 2021, at 1:37 PM, Mike Begley via cctalk <cctalk at> wrote:
> A friend of mine collects old photos, and sent me a link to this set he just recovered from film.  He doesn't know much about the provenance, but it might be interesting to figure out what we can about them.
> The link is here:
> The film roll was dated June 1968, which was a month before I was born.
> The most interesting (to me) is the photo of the Adage Graphics Terminal.  I'd never heard of the company before, but it looks like they were one of the many tech companies that sprang up in the MIT & Harvard orbit in the 60s and 70s.  There's a small amount of info about the company on Wikipedia: 
> Also in the same photo, to the right of the terminal is a silver box that might be an early joystick.  It's hard to say.

Seems like it.  Amusing to see what was standard equipment in computer rooms early on: an ash tray.

> ...
> Other recognizable hardware are a couple of ASR33 teletypes (one of which was rebadged as Adage), 

The first two pictures seem to show an ASR35, the heavy duty terminal, while the third one is indeed an ASR33.


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