CHM's 1620 (was Re: Early Programming Books)

jim stephens jwsmail at
Wed Jun 23 13:25:43 CDT 2021

On 6/23/2021 10:25 AM, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:
> On 6/23/21 10:17 AM, Lee Courtney via cctalk wrote:
>> Many years (decades?) ago Dave Babcock and I read all the cards as 
>> part of
>> the original 1620 project at CHM.
> There has been a steady stream of misinformation about CHM's 1620 in 
> the past
> week. I had been staying out of making any comments about it since I 
> was hoping
> you or Dave were still watching this mailing list.
This is my fault, and I apologize.  I had the 1620 at USL that I first 
mentioned and it was a lament that a solid machine with printer and card 
reader / punch plus a spare cpu was not preserved to my knowledge.  
There was a great donation made to the CHM, and that is the source of 
the misunderstanding.

The system I speak of was in Lafayette, LA, and it would probably not 
have been feasible to save the 1620, or the GT-40 that was in my lab there.

That system to my knowledge has nothing to do with the museums holdings.

It's just a lament that such a gem was not saved or fate is unknown.  I 
appreciate finding out that what did get to the CHM from that collection 
is in good hands.


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