core matt repair

Tom Hunter ccth6600 at
Wed Jul 21 09:32:57 CDT 2021

Hi Jos,

Resoldered how?

The wires are _very_ thin (I guess 0.1 mm or thinner - think of human hair)
and they are covered with some form of high-temperature lacquer which you
would have to remove first. Also the dimensions of all this stuff is
_tiny_. There is just no space to poke anything in to solder a joint.
Your average fine tipped soldering iron would be ridiculously large to even
I wonder if spot welding would work using the tip of a fine needle.
Of course before you can even attempt to repair a broken wire you have to
locate the break.

Best regards
Tom Hunter

On Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 1:36 PM jos via cctalk <cctalk at>

> On 21.07.21 02:15, Brent Hilpert via cctalk wrote:
> >
> > In general comment to the topic, I have seen planar arrays ("mats") with
> some number of randomly-situated wire splices in them.
> > These splices are in the gaps between bit arrays, not interior to a bit
> array (there isn't enough space between cores).
> > The splices are covered in a tiny dollop of (by appearance) silicon
> putty for insulation.
> >
> I have seen the same, and measured that these splices can turn highohmic.
> I recovered an 8/L coremat by resoldering these splices.

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