MSI 6800 EPROM Software

Jon Elson elson at
Mon Feb 22 21:45:24 CST 2021

On 02/22/2021 01:31 PM, Brad H via cctalk wrote:
> Hi there,
> A longshot I'm sure - but I am wondering if anyone familiar with MSI (Midwest Scentific - SS50 bus system) would happen to have a copy of the software for their 1702A EPROM burner, I think the model is PR-1.  I just picked one up and am eager to see if I can use it to read/burn 1702As, something that has been an issue for me for a while now.
Reading them is pretty easy.  BURNING them is crazy.  They 
need an 80 V power supply, and I think you XOR the address 
or something as you apply the programming voltage.


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