jim stephens jwsmail at
Sun Oct 11 20:49:18 CDT 2020

On 10/11/2020 6:34 PM, William Donzelli via cctalk wrote:
>> I suspect much of the electronics is fine. It would be good for someone wanting backup cards.
> You must be joking. Those cards are done. Any chip that is still
> operational will likely fail upon or shortly after power is applied.
> --
> Will
I agree.  Especially the ones heated high enough for the melted plastic 
or scorch damage.  A radiative and convective heat soak is pretty damaging.

Consider the flow temperature of the materials inside.  Unless the fire 
was  flash fire, the entire thing would have been heated for some amount 
of time (15 minutes minimum usually, to 45 minutes) due to response time 
of the equipment.

Not evident in the photos would be possible contamination from either 
fire suppressant materials or water to extinguish the blaze.

Like I said, Ethan is looking for a cabinet for an 11/70 stripped out of 
such, and these probably are okay for that.  Maybe some of the other 
bits after inspectiong, but I'd not trust the boards up front.  It would 
be a project I'd want a solid shop of parts to do testing for every 
board involved to certify they work.

Most people I know have one system in their basement, lab or garage, and 
I'd personally not want to put boards from a source like this into such, 
unless i had nothing to lose.


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