tape baking

Alan Perry aperry at snowmoose.com
Fri May 1 18:50:54 CDT 2020

On 5/1/20 4:19 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
> On 5/1/20 1:59 PM, Curious Marc via cctalk wrote:
>> Agreed. They sure are pressed in, then riveted in for good measure. You’d have to drill them out first. Not an easy modification.
>> Marc
> PTFE 2mm ID 3mm OD tubing is a standard size.  That might fit.
> --Chuck

All of the QIC-24 cartridges sitting next to me right now have posts 
that are machined with 1-2mm deep tape guides. I don't see how to 
install tubing over the posts and have the guides still do their job.

As I noted, I have tried isopropyl alcohol to clean them off but they 
still stick. Is this something that baking will help with? Maybe using 
acetone instead of alcohol to wipe the posts down as well?


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