Fixing an RK8E ....

Guy Sotomayor ggs at
Fri Jun 19 14:31:16 CDT 2020

On Fri, 2020-06-19 at 12:24 -0700, Robert Armstrong via cctech wrote:
>   It appears that my RK8E has a problem - it fails the diskless
> control test
> with
> 	SR= 0000
> 	PC:1160 GD:0000 CM:0001 
> 	DHRKAE  FAILED   PC:6726  AC:0000  MQ:7777  FL:0000
> Ok, maybe a bad bit in the command register so I'll check it
> out.  But then
> it dawns on me - how do you work on this thing?  It's three boards
> connected
> with "over the top" connectors - you can't use a module extender on
> it.
> Worse, the M7105 Major Registers board is the middle one of the
> stack!   Is
> there some secret to working on this thing?  Has anybody fixed
> one?  Any
> suggestions?
>   I hadn't thought about it before, but the KK8E CPU would have the
> same
> problem.  Fingers crossed that one never dies...

I seem to recall that there were some "special" (read unobtanium) over
the top connectors that permitted one of the boards in a board set to
be up on an extender.

TTFN - Guy

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