UniSys ClearPath OS/2200 Express?

Alan Perry aperry at snowmoose.com
Wed Jul 1 09:05:03 CDT 2020

> On Jul 1, 2020, at 06:59, Alan Perry via cctalk <cctalk at classiccmp.org> wrote:
> I doubt it is for hobbyists. I think it is to get people to look at it for the upsell opportunity.

I will take back some of what I just wrote. While I was typing this I received the download link email and it included this:

Students, teachers, hobbyists and ClearPath enthusiasts can use it for non-production evaluation, personal or educational purposes to explore and practice developing and testing ClearPath MCP- based applications. Existing ClearPath MCP users can similarly use it to expand their knowledge of the ClearPath MCP environment.

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