Info / packs for Amcodyne 7110 "Arapahoe" drive?

Chris Zach cz at
Fri Jan 10 07:18:29 CST 2020

Right off the bat it looks like a CDC Lark pack. Wonder if the whole 
thing is a re-badged Lark.

Once I get these RL02's out of the way I'll drag my Lark out from the 
shed and start looking at it. If I recall one drive is in the shed, one 
in the attic along with the power supply. Then again I thought I had one 
Porsche 911E fuel pump in the shed, but that was sold years ago. Hm.....


On 1/9/2020 11:57 PM, Josh Dersch via cctalk wrote:
> Hi all --
> Got one of these:
> sans power supply and packs.  I'm guessing that these packs were specific
> to this drive and not any sort of standard, and that tracking one down is
> going to require quite a bit of luck.  Figured I'd start here :).  Also
> looking for technical info (pinouts for the power connector would be a good
> start...)
> Thanks as always,
> Josh

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