Does anyone have an H11 and need a H27 card?

Chris Zach cz at
Sun Dec 27 16:12:21 CST 2020

Hi Gary!

Shoot, Eric (somecomputerguy) PMed me first, as he is also having 
trouble with his H27.

However I'm sending it under the "Yours for shipping costs but if you 
get your system working you have to pass it on to another worthy soul." 
license. So you should get one from him once he's up and running. And 
you'll have to send it to someone else once you get yours up and running.

These things travel forever like this. It is the way....


On 12/27/2020 5:07 PM, Gary L. Messick wrote:
> Chris,
> I could use one.  I have an h-11 system that has issues with the h-27 
> system.
> Please contact me off list.
> Gary
> Gary at

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