Computer Automation Alpha LSI minicomputer

David Carroll dwcar49us at
Sun Oct 6 13:43:59 CDT 2019

I am restoring a Computer Automation Alpha LSI/2 minicomputer and need some help with software documentation. I have a Computer Automation Alpha LSI/2 minicomputer and cards, and I have binary images of the paper tapes, but I don't have the manual for using the software library tools.
By any chance does anyone have any of the documentation for the standard software library that came with the machine? BLD, OMEGA, LAMBDA, STP, etc? There was a standard paper tape that had all the basic software for assembly language coding and for loading and linking. The tape images are on, but the manuals don't seem to be available.
The manual was called the Software Documentation Manual. 

Thanks for your help.
David Carroll

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