11/93 next step

Rod Smallwood rodsmallwood52 at btinternet.com
Fri May 31 23:11:36 CDT 2019


      Well we are moving forward.

The 160336 alternate RQDX3 address and vector have been confirmed as OK 
by one of our Techno Mages.

So rather than an RX50 I'll give an RX33 whirl. A floppy disk way in 
means I can enhance the baseline RT system.

Time to dig out all of the Q-bus controllers and see what else we can add.

I have a Viking SCSI controller. That might be interesting as an 
alternative to the CQD.

I think I may have Q bus controllers for my RX01 and RX02. AKA as 'Clonk 

11/93 is no end of fun. Best thing since my brother fell in the slurry 
pit 60 years ago.



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