HP-01 calc watch go withs - brochures, t- shirts, booklets, ad copy who else collecting?

ED SHARPE couryhouse at aol.com
Sat May 18 15:32:27 CDT 2019

HP-01 calc watch go-withs - brochures, t- shirts, booklets, ad copy who else collecting? 

We have a   few   spare   items    has  anyone  put  together  a  checklist  of   go-withs?
Apparently  there  was a   series  of   picnics and  t-shits  that  came  form those  events.

Drop    us  a  note  off list --  
  Thanks  Ed# 
(Fondly  remembering the  days   Jerry and  I  would  shake  our  HP-01s  at  each other at   3000  meetings...)

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