VCF/PNW Exhibit & Trip Report - The Old Calculator Museum

Michael Brutman mbbrutman at
Sun Mar 31 10:41:07 CDT 2019

Hi Rick,

I'm glad you enjoyed the event - we aim to please.  I should have seen this
earlier but I've been avoiding computers this week for reasons you can
probably guess.

And just for the record, "it takes a village" to make these things happen.
I was the very visible face of the event because I did most of the
organization work.  But the event doesn't happen without the people I snag
into volunteering.  Corey Cohen and Jeff Brace flew in from New Jersey.
Erik Klein and Dwight Elvey drove up from California.  Curtis came in on a
train from California.  And I had a few local people (Gene, Kent, and
Kyle.)  One of our speakers (Steve) and even our t-shirt guy (Marcus!)
pitched in to move tables around and do other grunt work.

And the museum was super accommodating ...


VCF East planning is well under way now, and VCF West planning will start
soon.  I'm hoping that Ricks' report inspires others to join us at VCFed
events.  We'll make it easy for you. :-)

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