OT Parts houses & scrappers
robert626001 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 26 19:33:51 CST 2019
I spoke with Mike, last year, around the time they were closing their
doors. I'm fuzzy on the details, now, but dimly recall something about
them possibly trying to hold on to much of the stock, despite losing
the warehouse, with the possibility of reopening in some shape or
With that said, he didn't reply to emails sent after that and I'm not
aware of any further action on that front, so don't hold out much
On Sat, Jan 26, 2019 at 6:31 PM Glen Slick via cctalk
<cctalk at classiccmp.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 25, 2019 at 9:48 AM Jay West via cctech
> <cctech at classiccmp.org> wrote:
> >
> > Kudos to Jesse for working with me offlist, I feel I've gotten a good deal. I appreciate the offers to help purchase, very much, but I got this taken care of directly with Jesse and I'm happy.
> >
> > We have to understand, as others pointed out, that if no one speaks up for stuff at a price that can keep the parts houses in business then the parts won't be around. By the same token, the parts houses have to know we can't pay typical full price that corporations/military can. We must be willing to pay something above scrap value, of course.
> >
> > I ask folks to keep an open mind and give Jesse a fair shake moving forward.
> Also, the dealers in this gear disappear over time if they can't stay
> in business. I bought some HP cables from 360 Technologies
> (360tech.com) last year and now they are gone. Anyone know what
> happened to whatever was left of their stock? Is Monterey Bay
> Communications (www.montbay.com) still in business or have they been
> gone for a while? I think I sent them an email inquiry a few months
> back and never got a response. Any other dealers with HP 1000 gear
> that are still in business?
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