PDP-11 Memory

Bill Gunshannon bill.gunshannon at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 9 12:49:28 CST 2019

Well, I have decided to stop playing with my hardware for a while and
get  back to playing with software.  :-)

In order to do this I am building three (maybe four)
PDP-11's.  I have an 11/93, an 11/73 and an 11/23+
(and maybe another 11/23 or 11/73).  BUt, I have run
into a small problem.  Memory. (both the systems and

My 11/93 has 2 meg internal and I would like to bring
it up to 4 meg.  The others I would like to see with
4 meg if possible. (except the last one which I may
deliberately keep at 128KW.)

I have a number of different memory modules.  Mostly
DEC but a couple third party.  Here's the problem.
None of them are reflected in any of the documentation
I have been able to find so I can't configure them away
from their defaults!

Here's a list of numbers:

M7551-AC  - All the docs I can find seem to refer to
             AA or AB and jumpers and switches are not
             in the same locations.

M8067-LJ  - Same problem.  I can find no documentation
             for any -L boards and these don't even resemble
             the pictures I find.

And then I have two non-DEC module that are unlikely to
have any documentation still floating around for.

Camintonn  CMV-1000  --  As funny as it sounds, this one
                          looks  more like a DEC MSV11-QA
                          then the DEC ones do, but not exactly.

And one who's maker is only identified by a logo that
looks like 2 interlaced stylized S's.  Model Number
is: 980110014-201 Rev E.

Anybody got any pointers to help me configure some of this stuff?


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