PDP-11/45 RSTS/E boot problem

Fritz Mueller fritzm at fritzm.org
Fri Jan 4 20:57:44 CST 2019

> On Jan 4, 2019, at 5:15 PM, Paul Koning <paulkoning at comcast.net> wrote:
> So the likely answer is that either your INIT.BAC program, or your BASIC.RTS, is damaged ...
> Can you read the RK05 from the machinery you used to fill it originally?  It might make sense simply to read parts of it, or all of it, and verify the contents are correct.

Oh, interesting!

Yeah, I can read the pack back with PDP11GUI (another couple hours, ugh, but we’ll see what we see.)

I’m thinking it would be handy to have a bit of standalone code that would just read through a pack and dump CRC-16 for each sector out the console for purposes like this.  Then I could just blast over single sectors that don’t match.  Maybe I’ll work on coding up that bit of MACRO while the longer complete dump is running…


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