PDP-11/45 RSTS/E boot problem

Fritz Mueller fritzm at fritzm.org
Thu Jan 3 21:08:48 CST 2019

> On Jan 3, 2019, at 5:17 PM, Paul Koning <paulkoning at comcast.net> wrote:
> So in this example, 55230 is the error logging entry point for the RK11 driver. ... If you have a breakpoint at this location, you'll be able to capture the controller CSR contents which -- I hope -- will explain why the system is not happy.
> The way to set the breakpoint is simply to enter control/P for ODT, then 55230;B to set the breakpoint, then P to proceed.

Thanks, Paul!  Tried but no luck:

    177404 113000 002010 000005

    RSTS V06C-03 FRITZTS (DK0)


    Disk is being cleaned - wait …

    You currently have: JOB MAX = 10, SWAP MAX = 28K.

    You currently have crash dump enabled.

    DD-MMM-YY? 03-JAN-89
    12:00 PM? 6:46 PM

(...system starts looping error behavior; type ^P...)


(...system resumes looping error behavior without hitting breakpoint; sadness)

Any additional or different recommended breakpoints to try?  Or did I miss setting this up (I’m new to ODT.)

	thanks much,

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